Operations with sets

  Objective: To implement operations with sets:

Intersection of sets
Union of sets
Subtraction of sets
The symmetric difference

  Union of sets A and B is the set

A⋃B={x|x∊A or x∊B}

  The intersection of sets A and B is the set

A⋂B={x|x∊A and x∊B}

  The difference of sets A and B is the set

A\B={x|x∊A and x∉B}

  Symmetric difference of sets A and B is the set


  For convenience and clarity creates a class multitude.

('multitude defclass)
('multitude defvar  list)
('multitude defmethod list  ()  list)
('multitude defmethod multitude (x)
  (nil  setq  list
    (nil  if  ((nil type-of x)  = 'multitude)
      (x  list)
('multitude defmethod push  (x)
  (nil  setq  list  (nil  cons  x list)))
('multitude defmethod contain (x)
  (nil  let (found)
    (nil  try
      (list for i
        (nil  if  (x  = i)
          (nil  throw 'break)))
      break (nil  setq  found true))
('multitude defmethod ⋃ (m)
  (nil  let ((union ('multitude newobject m)))
    (list for*  x
      (nil  if  (nil  not (union  contain x))
        (union  push  x)))
('multitude defmethod ⋂ (m)
  (nil  let ((inter ('multitude newobject)) (lockinter  ('lock  newobject)))
    (list for x
      (nil  if  (m  contain x)
        (lockinter  progn
          (inter  push  x))))
('multitude defmethod \ (m)
  (nil  let ((diff  ('multitude newobject)) (lockdiff ('lock  newobject)))
    (list for x
      (nil  if  (nil  not (m  contain x))
        (lockdiff progn
          (diff push  x))))
('multitude defmethod - (m)
  (nil  let ((a (this \ m)) (b  (m  \ this)))
    (a  ⋃ b)))

  The constructor can take an argument as a list or set.
  Function contain uses parallelism. Way out of the parallel loop is implemented using exceptions.
  Function implements the sequential algorithm. In this task parallelism not available.
  The function can find control elements in parallel using the contain. But changing the result inter is protected by a lock lockinter.
  Similarly, the function \ is implemented.
  In the function - parallelism is achieved in the computation of variables a and b.